Dream Blog
Read about Dream Tank news and recent events, watch archived content, and more!

The Future Cities Accelerator is for young innovators ages 8-16 to step into the role of a City Planner, Entrepreneur, and Experience Designer for the week and beyond!
JULY 6 @ 9:00 AM – JULY 10 @ 4:00 PM
City of Boulder at the Museum of Boulder
Youth Urge Global Leaders in Davos to Make Pledge Towards Addressing Global Goal in 2020
Dream Tank leading through youth innovation and entrepreneurship at the 50th Anniversary of the World Economic Forum DAVOS, SWITZERLAND January 20, 2020: Dream Tank, a premier social entrepreneurship accelerator for youth, is being invited to Davos to speak at a...
Techstars Directors Support Dream Tank
From Left: New Dream Tank project manager Philippe Boury, Executive Director Heidi Cuppari, Dream Maker Amalia Rose Battle, and Techstars Co-Founder David Cohen On Friday December 13, David Cohen hosted a breakfast for friends of his to hear our pitch. We were joined...
Dream Tank Kids and Teens launch Plastic Free Colorado
On December 7, on their third planning meeting, Dream Tank kids launch “Plastic Free Colorado” with State Representative Jonathan Singer. Read and watch the coverage by CBS news below! Covered by CBS 4...
Youth tackle challenge to help veterans through technology
Dream Tank Dream Makers, despite the snow, power through one big design challenge: innovate a b corporation to help Veterans! "Hacking for Heroes" was scheduled for two days, but because of the pending snow storm, when realizing they wouldn't be able to come back the...
Kids and Teens Save Lives with Tech during Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 25-26 @ CU Idea Forge Virtual, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence have changed 'reality' as we know it. Your children are growing into a world where these emerging technologies will be common tools, and toys in their lives. Fortune 100 executive Debi...
Hacking for Heroes
Dream Tank 2 day Social Impact Camp Kids Save Lives with Tech! This entrepreneurial, action-packed accelerator offers the unique opportunity for kids and teens ages 10-17* to creatively rise to their potential, learn how to collectively launch a social impact...
FRONT PAGE OF DAILY CAMERA: Youth share visions at Boulder Dream Tank to solve local problems
DREAM TANK - FRONT PAGE OF DAILY CAMERA We are so honored to have been featured on the front page of the Daily Camera today. From article: Entrepreneurial spirit encouraged among 17 kids set on protecting the environment When 8-year-old Boulder resident Valentina...
BOULDER MAYOR SUZANNE JONES VISITS DREAM TANK KIDS AT MUSEUM OF BOULDER The Dream Makers made their own campaign videos to provide momentum to different movements they thought would improve their lives and the lives of those around them. They pushed to change state...
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