Dream Blog
Read about Dream Tank news and recent events, watch archived content, and more!

Design The Future Accelerator – ERacism + Re-imagining Education
Following the success of 4 years working with youth, Dream Tank is offering this 6 week accelerator, Design The Future, that will guide youth, along with a cohort of other youth and inter-generational leaders, from the art and power of dreaming to activating the...
We are proud to announce the completion of our first Summit on June 5
On June 5, Dream Tank Dream Makers hosted a virtual summit. Here are some exciting stats from our event, including the top three finalist of our Hackathon: We had an intergenerational, diverse group of leaders from 12 countries attend 17 venture finalists and top 3...
Reflecting upon Dream Tank Global Hackathon: Reverse Pandemic Challenge
The Reverse Pandemic Challenge has recently finished. We got many wonderful and innovative ideas. These came from places all around the world, and a variety of ages. So many incredibly unique ideas came from our youngest participants being as young as 8 years old, but...
Dream Tank Youth Launch Global Hackathon: Reverse Pandemic Challenge
Last week the Dream Tank Team came together and decided to host a global hackathon to address and solve the many problems COVID -19 has created with unique youth ideas. Youth from all over the world will be able to build their “Dream” into “Reality” by meeting new...
Coronavirus Next Generation Rapid Response Team Meeting 3/19
Dream Tank is hosting a Global Virtual Meeting to recruit the young leaders who want to take action from home to address the pandemic. Through global solidarity and uniting our voices together, we can be catalysts of change for our communities. We invite your teen to...
Dream Tank NextGEN Innovation Fellowship 2020
Dream Tank is a non-profit organization that empowers young people to solve global challenges through entrepreneurship. We work with a global network of partners who are all finding solutions to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We encourage discovery...
Young Leaders Heading to State Capitol for Youth Lobby Day: Plastic Pollution
Environment Colorado, CoPIRG, and Eco-Cycle are hosting a Youth Lobby Day: Plastic Pollution event at the Capitol on Thursday, March 5th, 2020! Dozens of kids in elementary school to college are engaging with their state lawmakers on reducing plastic pollution.
A youth-driven campaign to ban single use plastics came as a result of last year’s Dream Tank: Future Cities Accelerator.
Youth Urge Global Leaders in Davos to Make Pledge Towards Addressing Global Goal in 2020
Dream Tank leading through youth innovation and entrepreneurship at the 50th Anniversary of the World Economic Forum DAVOS, SWITZERLAND January 20, 2020: Dream Tank, a premier social entrepreneurship accelerator for youth, is being invited to Davos to speak at a...
Announcing our Summer 2020 Accelerators! Join us for Hacking the Future where art meets technology.
JUNE 15 – JUNE 19 @ 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (M-F)
Location: Idea Forge, CU (Boulder, CO)
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