Dream Blog


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Dream Tank in 2022 and Beyond!

Dear Dream Tank Global Family, As 2021 comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to update you and reflect on what's been happening in the Dream Tank Universe the past few months since you last heard from us. In August 2021, a family emergency took precedence and I...

Hayden’s 13th Year Kindness Challenge

On April 17th, at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, an unimaginable tragedy struck the Hunstable family. Overwhelmed by the drastic effects of the pandemic on his family and lifestyle, Hayden Hunstable took his own life just four days before his 13th...

Mom and Daughter DreamMaker Graphic Novel Contest

#TakeAction and help a #DreamTank #DreamMaker with their social innovation project while having fun. Sydney, a 13 year old Dream Tank summer camp grad, her 9 year old sister Siena and her mother Ariel are launching a crowdfunding and coloring contest to get their...

Upcoming Partner Events

  Dear Dream Tank Community, We are glad to invite you to the next two events happening in February and March this year. As always, we collaborate with organizations all over the globe to expand opportunities for young people and to increase conscience about the...

YOUNGA Global Broadcast Success!

We at Dream Tank celebrate the effort Kelly Lovell and her team put in for their YOUNGA global forum broadcast Saturday evening. It inspired and pushed the thinking of adults and youth on how we can better connect with ourselves and others in the virtual world to...

Dream Tank is a 501c3 non-profit social enterprise. Contributions to DreamTank ™ are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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