Empowering the Next Generation of Global Leaders

Channeling youth creativity to tackle global challenges in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Shaping a future where young leaders have a voice in driving impactful global change.

Hayden’s 13th Year Kindness Challenge

On April 17th, at the beginning of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, an unimaginable tragedy struck the Hunstable family. Overwhelmed by the drastic effects of the pandemic on his family and lifestyle, Hayden Hunstable took his own life just four days before his 13th...

Mom and Daughter DreamMaker Graphic Novel Contest

#TakeAction and help a #DreamTank #DreamMaker with their social innovation project while having fun. Sydney, a 13 year old Dream Tank summer camp grad, her 9 year old sister Siena and her mother Ariel are launching a crowdfunding and coloring contest to get their...

Here’s who is with us!

Recent Sponsors and Partners

These amazing partners at Dream Tank truly believe in unleashing the creative ideas of young people to design the future and are working with Dream Tank on its 2024 goals and beyond.  We invite you to join our growing collective! 

Ongoing and Past Organizations who have helped us along the way:

These amazing partners at Dream Tank truly believe in unleashing the creative ideas of young people to design the future and have contributed in-kind and financially in a big way.  
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